The accurate obsevation o the history proves that this beautiful and lovely Indonesia was formerly called Nusantara In 1869 when a Europian writer named James Richard Logan wrote the name Indonesia for the first time, then followed by other writers, the name Indonesia become more popular than Nusantara.
Keberadaan Nusantara adalah sebuah imperium yang luas, membentang dari Wanin hingga Madagaskar, dalam rengkuh kekuasaan seorang Maha Raja Mojopahit bergelar Prabu Hayam Wuruk. Adalah seorang Perdana Menteri yang dikenal sebagai Maha Patih Gajah Mada, berjuang dengan gigih secara heroic mempersatukan seluruh wilayah Nusantara berada di bawah payung kekuasaan Majapahit. Wajar jika kemudian sosok Gajah Mada lebih dikenal dari Hayam Wuruk maupun Majapahit.
The than existing Nusantara was a large imperium, extending from Wanin to Madagaskar, under the power of Maha Raja Mojopahit by the name of Prabu Hayam Wuruk. There was a Prime Minister which is known as Maha Patih Gajah Mada, who strongly struggled to unify the whole territory of Nusantara under span of control of Majapahit. So is does make sense that Gajah Mada was considered more famous rather than Hayam Wuruk nor Majapahit.
Madakaripura adalah suatu tempat kunjungan wisata sakral berupa deretan Air Terjun yang sentralnya mencapai ketinggian sekitar 200 meter dari dasar jeram. Air yang jatuh itu melayang-layang sambil bercanda , berhamburan menari-nari kesana kemari, meluncur turun saling mendahului, kemudian jatuh ke dasar jeram menimbulkan irama yang gemuruh. Kadang disela oleh debam dahsyat yamh gemanya menggetarkan relung sempit berdiameter tak kurang dari 25 meter itu, hingga terdengar menggelegar. Menyusul hempasan angin yang menderu-deru, mengibaskan butiran air yang lembut, menyambut mereka yang datang. Semburan air yang berhamburan itu membiaskan warna warni indah disorot sinar surya bagai Mata Dewa, menciptakan bianglala.
Patung Gajah Mada, mahapatih kerajaan Majapahit yang terkenal dengan Sumpah Palapa.
Madakaripura is a sacred visiting area comprising lines of waterfall where it’s center reaches a height of 200 m from the bottom. The falling water seems to fly down joyfully, dancing sporadically to and fro, sliding one after another, crushing down the bottom with a big roar. It is interupted sometimes by a big boom, the echoe of which thrills the narrow pit that sizes only less than 25 m in diameter, uttering sounds like thunder. Following next is the blow of the buzzing wind, sprinkling soft drops of water, welcoming the new arrivals. The sprinkles of water reflecting miscellaneous colour and beautifully enlighten by the sun that shines like the Eye of the God, creating the rainbow.
Keperkasaan yang dahsyat di Madakaripura dipilih oleh Gajah Mada sebagai tempat bertapa untuk memperoleh kesentosaan hingga ia menjadi sakti mandraguna. Setelah membuktikan Sumpah Palapa dan berhasil mempersatukan seluruh Nusantara, ditempat inipula ia menghabiskan sisa usianya, mempersiapkan diri untuk Muksha menuju ke Nirwana. Ternyata Mada Kari Pura memang berarti “tempat tinggal terakhir” Gajah Mada. Manakala kita merindukan kebesaran jasa Gajah Mada, dan ingin menghayati kehebatannya, kita bisa datang kesana untuk menunggu munculnya bianglala. Sukmanya akan turun meniti tangga berwarna, bersiram air suci “Tirta Sewana”. Banyak orang percaya bahwa “Tirta Sewana” berkhasiat memberikan kesembuhan dan membuat awet muda.
This great natural power in Madakaripura was chosen by Gajah Mada as this spot for meditation in search of supernatural power, that so powerful he supposed to be. After proving evidence of Sumpah Palapa (Palapa Vow) by unifying the Nusantara, here is also where he spent the rest of his life setting up vanity (Muksha), into Nirwana. It is now clear that Mada Kari Pura really means “the last residence for Gajah Mada”. Whenever we recall the great merit of Gajah Mada, and wish to sense his mighty might, we could just come there and wait for the rainbow. His soul would come down the colouring stairs, showering the holy water called “Tirta Sewana”. Many believes that Tirta Sewana is a healing agent and capable of preserving young age.
Lokasi Madakaripura berada 620 meter diatas permukaan air laut dan terletak di kawasan tengger tidak jauh dari Bromo tepatnya di Desa Sapih, Kecamatan Lumbang, agaknya alam menempatkan Madakaripura sebagai pelengkap Bromo. Kepayahan dan kepenatan sehabis medaki puncak Bromo, akan sirna dengan mandi Air Suci Tirta Sewana untuk selanjutnya meneruskan perjalanan ke obyek-obyek wisata lainnya dikawasan Probolinggo.
The fatigue and axhaustion one undergoes from climbing the peak of Bromo, would immediately gone after getting a bathe with the holy Tirta Sewana so to continue the travel to other visiting points in Probolinggo area.
This great natural power in Madakaripura was chosen by Gajah Mada as this spot for meditation in search of supernatural power, that so powerful he supposed to be. After proving evidence of Sumpah Palapa (Palapa Vow) by unifying the Nusantara, here is also where he spent the rest of his life setting up vanity (Muksha), into Nirwana. It is now clear that Mada Kari Pura really means “the last residence for Gajah Mada”. Whenever we recall the great merit of Gajah Mada, and wish to sense his mighty might, we could just come there and wait for the rainbow. His soul would come down the colouring stairs, showering the holy water called “Tirta Sewana”. Many believes that Tirta Sewana is a healing agent and capable of preserving young age.
The fatigue and axhaustion one undergoes from climbing the peak of Bromo, would immediately gone after getting a bathe with the holy Tirta Sewana so to continue the travel to other visiting points in Probolinggo area.
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